Pete's out of town this weekend with his family in Miami and I am stuck at home with cramps and re-runs of the Golden Girls. I'm not gonna lie, I'm perfectly satisfied watching Golden Girls re-runs all day but the fact that it's rainy and gross here while he's hanging out on a hot sandy beach makes me sad and blurg.
On top of being sad and blurg from the weather, I'm sad and definitely blurg from that wonderful time of the month. Waking up with a migraine and killer cramps is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday morning but it's okay.
Last night, I vegged out with some Golden Girls and indulged in the mini haul I picked up on my way home from work, which included the Feeling Beautiful by Freeman Cucumber Peel-Off face mask. I'd used their Avocado mask before and I love it so I picked up a tube of this mask when I stopped at CVS to grab a box of tampons and a bar of chocolate.
I'm not sure how I feel about this mask though.
When I put it on, it's like rubbing a thick layer of clear tacky glue on your face. It's sticky and very hard to spread without feeling like you're tugging at your skin (which we all know is a no-no).
Then... I got it in my eyebrows. Me-ow-ch.
It takes longer than the 5-10 minutes listed in the directions to dry so I bebopped around Reddit for a while while it sat on my face.
It did pull off nicely but it kind of felt like I had a giant pore strip on my face so... peeling it off was a bit unpleasant. I used a washrag to get the remaining bits from around my hairline (and eyebrows!) and then followed up with a toner (just a CVS knock off of L'Oreal and a CVS knock off of Neutrogena's daily moisturizer--which I actually hate but still own for some reason).
It made my skin really smooth. My pores look slightly smaller and it's not greasy. So I guess it worked.
All in all, I'd rather use the avocado mask but I'll keep this one around. Pete will get a kick out of it, I think, so it wasn't a total waste of $4. (He loves doing face masks with me, which is hilarious and fun. But he'll kill me if he finds out I told you all!)
Have you ever used any of the Feeling Beautiful line of face masks? Let me know if I should try any of the other ones in the comments (the Charcoal one looks kind of fun!)
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