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February 27, 2014

Don't Put Lemons on Your Skin. Seriously.

I didn't use a creative title for this post because I wanted to say it upfront. DO NOT PUT LEMON JUICE ON YOUR SKIN. 

Don't put it on in a house or with a mouse. Don't put it on here, there or anywhere. 

I know. You're probably like, "Amy, why wouldn't I want to put something all natural on my face? All these other websites say it's super good for my skin, why shouldn't I listen to them?"

I'll tell you why. 

Because it's not good for your skin. Putting lemon juice on your skin can lead to a condition called Phytophotodermatitis, which is basically hypersensitivity to ultraviolet light which can result in blistering and hyper pigmentation. Basically, if you go out in the sun with lemon juice on your skin, you can get some serious burns. 

Still don't believe me? Five girls in California went to the hospital for second degree burns because they got lime juice on them and spent prolonged time in the sun. Second degree burns. That's some serious shit, guys. 

It's truly disgusting how many beauty websites recommend using lemon juice for DIY beauty products. A quick Google for "DIY Face Mask" comes up with a ton of results and the top three (including a popular women's magazine) have recipes that include lemon juice. How irresponsible is that? Completely irresponsible. 

Do me a solid and keep the lemon juice in the kitchen and off your skin and definitely off your blogs. There are PLENTY of other ways to get the same benefits that lemon juice has without the risky side effects. 

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