Gatsby? What Gatsby?
And I am not sure if I've mentioned this, but I love everything vintage and retro, so this is straight up my alley.
So here's the plan:
Miloni Black Cherry
Wet N Wild Cherry Bomb
Revlon Black Cherry
and Wet N Wild Sugar Plum fairy
The Two Wet N Wild lipsticks will apply more matte, and the others will be shinier. I am leaning more towards sugar plum fairy, but it might be kind of hard to find, so i need to figure out which one I want to get.
I probably won't be doing the while cupid's now lip shape thing because i don't want to look costume. This is homecoming of my senior year, it has to look really good this year! As well as thee way I apply blush and my eyebrow filler, I don't want to look crazy.
Now, if you don't know, I have extremely long and extremely red hair at the moment.I plan on redying my hair with my FAVORITE hair dye(R57 Cherry Crush by L'Oreal Feria power reds)
SO now that you know what my hair looks like, I would like to take a second to explain how opposite the trends were in the 1920s.
In the 1920s, hair was revolutionary in the way that women were now cutting their hair super short instead of veing traditional and keeping it as long as mine is now or possibly even longer.So the challenge for me is, I want to make my hair fit into the time period without giving myself a costumeish faux-bob type look.
So I'm thinking this
I did this for a dance a few years ago that I had a 20's vibe for, but this was different, so I couldn't look as sultry as I wan tot go this time. So I want to do this hairstyle oer with the same feather jeweled headband and instead of making it looked polished and pretty, I want to make it loser and curlier allover the sides and the tops of the head. (Also I apologize for the poor makeup application in this picture. Oh the eyebrows are so bad!!!!!!)
I also found some inspiration from these pictures online too

Even before i knew the theme, I decided I would be wearing the dress I wore my freshman year to homecoming Simpy because I hate most of the dresses in the stores this year and I have so many, there is no need to buy another one. So let's look at little Allison for the dress
Instead of the shrug I am wearing in the picture on the left is not god enough is it, no it isn't little 14 year old Allison. So I am going to borrow a little mess beaded shawl with tassels that looks very sensual and classic, without being too costumeish.
As far as shoes go,I originally wore some sparkly silver heels with this dress, but this time I am wearing the satin shoes with silver sparkly jewel details on them that I wore with my first 20s dress. I don't have a picture of them, but they are four inch heels with straps that buckle on the side. They aren't super 20s, but they will work and make the outfit look a bit more modern.
I have a retro clutch that I borrow from my mom every time I need a black clutch for homecomings/dances.
I am planning on going to Charming Charli to get some kind of long necklace to wear to complete the look. I might get new earrings as well, but if not, I can wear the earrings I borrowed from my mom pictured in the picture of my hair from the first 20s outfit.
Thta took a long time to write,did I miss anything?
If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment and tell me your thoughts especiallyon hair and makeup because I am kind of not really 100% on it all yet.
<3 Allison
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